Leonid Zhukov Леонид Жуков



  • Ignatov D. I., Kuznetsov S. O., Zhukov L. E., Poelmans J. Can triconcepts become triclusters?
    International Journal of General Systems. 2013. Vol. 42. No. 6. P. 572-593.


  • Гнатышак Д. В., Игнатов Д. И., Жуков Л. Е., Кузнецов С. О., Миркин Б. Г. Экспериментальное сравнение некоторых алгоритмов трикластеризации // В кн.: Интеллектуализация обработки информации ИОИ: 9-я международная конференция. Черногория, г. Будва, 2012 г.: сборник докладов / Отв. ред.: К. В. Воронцов. М. : Торус Пресс, 2012. С. 609-612.


  • Ignatov D. I., Kuznetsov S. O., Zhukov L. E. From Triconcepts to Triclusters , in: Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing: 13th International Conference, RSFDGrC 2011, Moscow, Russia, June 25-27, 2011. Proceedings / Науч. ред.: S. O. Kuznetsov, D. Slezak, D. H. Hepting, B. G. Mirkin. Vol. 6743. Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2011. P. 257-264.


  • Leonid Zhukov and David Gleich
    Numerical Linear Algebra for Data and Link Analysis.
    Challenges for Scientific Computing in Web Search and Data Mining,
    SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, Feb. 2006. [Presentation]
  • David Gleich, Matthew Rasmussen, Kevin Lang, Leonid Zhukov.
    The World of Music: user ratings, spectral and spherical embeddings, map projections.
    Report [PDF]


  • L. Zhukov and Alan H. Barr.
    Oriented Tensor Reconstruction.
    The Visualization Handbook, C. Johnson, C. Hansen (Eds), pp 313-326, Academic Press, 2005.
  • David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov
    Scalable Computing for Power Law Graphs: Experience
    with Parallel PageRank. IEEE Supercomputing Conference, 2005.  [PDF] [Poster]
  • David Gleich, Matt Rasmussen, Kevin Lang, Leonid Zhukov.
    The World of Music: SDP layout of high dimensional data.
    IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization (InfoVis 05) [PDF] [Poster]
  • David Breen, Ross Whitaker, Ken Museth and Leonid Zhukov.
    Level Set Segmentation of Biological Volume Datasets.
    International Topics in Biomedical Engineering, Handbook of Biomedical Image Analysis Volume I: Segmentation Models Part A, pp 415-478. [PDF]
  • D. Decoste, T. Kasturi, S. Keerthi, et.al.  and Leonid Zhukov.
    Recommender Systems Research at Yahoo! Research Labs.
    Position Statement, Beyond Personalization 2005.  San Diego, CA, Jan 9-12, 2005. [PDF]


  • G.W. Flake, K. Tsioutsiouliklis and L. Zhukov.
    Methods for Mining Web Communities: Bibliometric, Spectral and Flow.
    Web Dynamics, Poulovassilis and M. Levene (Eds), Springer-Verlag, pp 45-68, 2004. [PDF]
  • David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov
    Fast Parallel PageRank: A Linear System Approach
    Yahoo! Research Labs Technical Report YRL-2004-038, 2004. [PDF]
  • David Gleich Leonid Zhukov
    SVD Subspace Projections for Term Suggestion Ranking and Clustering.
    Yahoo! Research Labs Technical Report YRL-2004-023, 2004. [PDF]
  • Leonid Zhukov.
    Discrete differential operators for tensor filtering and applications to DT-MRI visualization.
    BIRS Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Scientific Visualization,
    Computer Graphics, and Massive Data Exploration, May 2004
  • David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov.
    SVD based Term Suggestion and Ranking System
    4th Southern California Applied Mathematics Symposium (SoCAMS), April 2004.
  • David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov.
    SVD based Term Suggestion and Ranking System
    Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Confernce on Data Mining (ICDM2004), pages 391-394, 2004.[PDF]
  • L. Zhukov, M. Meyer, M. Desbrun and A.H. Barr.
    Mathematically-Based Modeling for DT-MRI Fiber Tractography
    SIAM Conference of Imaging Science, March 2004.
  • Leonid Zhukov and David Gleich.
    Topic Identification in Soft Clustering using PCA and ICA.
    Yahoo! Research Labs Report 2004. [PDF]
  • David Gleich and Leonid Zhukov.
    Soft Clustering with Projections: PCA, ICA and Laplacian.
    Yahoo! Research Labs Report 2004. [PDF]
  • Robert Van Uitert, Chris Johnson and Leonid Zhukov.
    Influence of Head Tissue Conductivity in Forward and Inverse Magnetoencephalographic Simulations Using Realistic Head Models.
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 51, no. 12, 2004, pp 2129-2137 [PDF]


  • John Joseph M. Carrasco, Dan Fain, Kevin Lang, Leonid Zhukov
    Clustering of bipartite advertiser-keyword graph
    Workshop on Large Scale Clustering, ICDM 2003. [PDF]
  • Leonid Zhukov and Alan H. Barr
    Heart-Muscle Fiber Reconstruction from Diffusion Tensor MRI
    Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2003( Vis03), pp 597-602, 2003 [PDF]
  • L. Verner, D Oleynikov, S. Holtman, H. Haider, L. Zhukov
    Measurments of the Level of Expertise Using Flight Path Analysis from da Vinci Robotic Surgical System
    Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 2003). [PDF] [Poster]
    Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol 94, pp 373-378, 2003
  • L. Zhukov, K. Museth, D. Breen, R. Whitaker, A.H. Barr.
    Level Set Segmentation and Modeling of Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain data.
    Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2003, 12(01), pp.125-133 [PDF]
  • Leonid Zhukov
    Spectral Clustering of Large Advertiser Datasets. Technical report
    Overture R&D, 2003. [PDF]


  • Leonid Zhukov and Alan H. Barr
    Oriented Tensor Reconstruction: Tracing Neural Pathways from Diffusion Tensor MRI
    Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2002 ( Vis02), October 2002 [PDF]
  • K. Museth, D. Breen, L. Zhukov, R. Whitaker
    Level Set Segmentation from Multiple Non-uniform Volume Datasets
    Proceedings IEEE Visualization 2002 (Vis02), October 2002 [PDF]
  • L. Zhukov, I. Guskov , S. Klibanov and D. Oleynikov
    Interactive Poster: Virtual Preoperative Laparoscopic Camera - Visualization and Modeling System .DVD Proceeedings IEEE Visualization 2002 (Vis02), October 2002. [Abtract]
  • I. Guskov and L. Zhukov
    Direct Pattern Tracking on Flexible Geometry
    The 10-th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision 2002 (WSCG 2002) [PDF]
  • D. Oleynikov, L. Zhukov, I. Guskov, S. Klibanov
    Preoperative Surgical Planning Using Virtual Laparoscopic Simulation based on CT Imaging
    Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR 2002), January 2002. [Poster]
  • L. Zhukov, J. Bao, I. Guskov, J. Wood, D. Breen
    Dynamic Deformable Models for  3D MRI Heart Segmentation.
    SPIE Medical Imaging 2002, February 2002. Vol. 4684:Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing, pp.1398-1405 [PDF] [Poster]
  • L. Zhukov, M. Meyer, M. Desbrun and A.H. Barr.
    Discrete Differential Operators for Tensor Filtering.
    First SIAM Conference of Imaging Science, March 2002.
  • L. Zhukov, D. Weinstein and C. Johnson.
    Independent Component Analysis for EEG Source Localization. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2002. Reinhold Haux,
    Casimir Kulikowski (Eds), pp 455-465, Schattauer Publ. Company, 2002.


  • L. Zhukov, D. Weinstein, C. Johnson and R. Macleod
    Spatio-temporal Multi-dipole Source Localization using ICA and Lead Fields in FEM Head Models.
    23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2001), invited paper, October 2001 [PDF]
  • D. Weinstein, O. Portniaguine, L. Zhukov
    A comparison of Dipolar and Focused inversion for EEG Source Imaging
    3nd International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging within the Human Brain and Heart (NFSI 01), September 2001. [Abstract]
  • R. Van Uiter, D. Weinstein, C. Johnson, L. Zhukov
    Finite Element EEG and MEG simulations in realistic head models: Quadratic vs. Linear approximations
    3nd International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging within the Human Brain and Heart (NFSI 01), September 2001 2001 [Abstract]
  • L. Zhukov, K. Museth and D. Breen,Ross T. Whitaker
    3D Modeling and Segmentation of Diffusion Weighted MRI Data.
    SPIE Medical Imaging 2001, February 2001.Vol. 4319:Medical Imaging 2001: Visualization, Display, and Image-Guided Procedures, pp.401-412 [PDF]
  • C. Johnson, Y. Livnat, L. Zhukov, D.Hart and G. Kindlmann.
    Computational Field Visualization. Mathematics Unlimited - 2001 and Beyond
    Engquist B, Schmid W (Eds), pp 605 - 631, Springer-Verlag, 2001.


  • D.M. Weinstein, L.E. Zhukov and C.R. Johnson.
    Lead-Field Bases for Electroencephalography Source Imaging.
    Annals of Biomedical Engineering, vol 28, pp 1059-1065, 2000. [PDF]
  • L.E. Zhukov, D.M. Weinstein and C.R. Johnson
    Independent Component Analysis For EEG Source Localization In Realistic Head Models
    IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, vol 19, pp 87-96, 2000. [PDF]
  • L. E. Zhukov and M.E. Raikh
    Chiral Electromagnetic Waves at the Boundary of Optical Isomers: Quantum Cotton-Mouton Effect
    Phys.Rev.B, vol 61, p 12842, 2000. [PDF]
  • D.M. Weinstein, L.E. Zhukov and C.R. Johnson.
    An Inverse EEG Problem Solving Environment and its applications to EEG source localization.
    6th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the HumanBrain, June 2000. [PDF]
  • D. Weinstein, L. Zhukov, C. Johnson, S. Parker, R. MacLeod, and C. Hansen. Interactive Source Imaging with BioPSE
    Chicago 2000 World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomed- ical Engineering (WC 2000), July 2000. [Abstract]
  • L.E. Zhukov, D.M. Weinstein and C.R. Johnson.
    Reciprocity Basis for EEG Source Imaging.
    6th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (HBM 2000), June 2000. [Poster]
  • D.M. Weinstein, L.E. Zhukov and C.R. Johnson.
    An Inverse EEG Problem Solving Envi-ronment and its Applications to EEG Source Localization.
    6th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain (HBM 2000), June 2000. [PDF]
  • David Weinstein, Leonid Zhukov and Jeoffrey Potts
    Localization of Multiple Deep Epileptic sources in a Realistic Head Model via Independent Component Analysis
    Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Technical report UUCS-2000-004
  • Leonid Zhukov, David Weinstein and Chris Johnson
    Statistical Analysis for EEG FEM Source Localization in Realistic Head Models
    Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Technical report UUCS-2000-003


  • Martin Schweiger, Leonid Zhukov, Simon R. Alridge and Christopher R. Johnson
    Optical tomography using the SCIRun problem solving environment: Preliminary results for three-dimensional geometries and parallel processing.
    Optics Express , vol 4, pp 263-270, 1999. [PDF]
  • Weinstein D., Zhukov L. and Potts G.
    Localization of Multiple Deep Epileptic Sources in a Realistic Head Model via Independent Component Analysis.
    2nd International Symposium on Noninvasive Functional Source Imaging within the Human Brain and Heart (NFSI 1999),1999. [PDF]
  • L.E. Zhukov, D.M. Weinstein and C.R. Johnson.
    Independent Component Analysis for EEG Source Localization in Realistic Head Models.
    Third International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering (3ICIPE 1999), June 1999. [PDF]
  • L.E. Zhukov and M.E. Raikh. Chiral Electromagnetic Waves at the Boundary of Gyrotropic Media.
    March meeting of The American Physical Society (APS), March 1999.
  • David Weinstein, Leonid Zhukov and Chris Johnson
    Lead Field Basis for FEM Source Localization.
    Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, Technical report UUCS-99-014


  • C.R. Johnson, M. Berzins, L. Zhukov, and R. Coffey
    SCIRun: Application to Atmospheric Dispersion Problems Using Unstructured Meshes.
    Proceedings of the VI International conference on Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics (ICFD 98), pp111-122, Oxford, (1998) [PDF]
  • L. E. Zhukov.
    Electronic states in two-dimensional interacting systems. Ph.D. Dissertation,
    University of Utah, 1998. Advisors: M. Raikh, A. Efros.
  • L.E. Zhukov and M.E. Raikh.
    Dirac Fermions with Random Velocities. Unpublished
    Department of Physics, University of Utah, 1998. [PDF]
  • L.E. Zhukov and M.E. Raikh. Dirac Fermions with Random Velocities.
    The FourCorners Section of The American Physical Society (APS) Meeting, April 1998.


  • E.I. Rashba, L.E. Zhukov , and A.L. Efros
    Orthogonal localized wave functions of an electron in a magnetic field,
    Phys. Rev. B , 55,5306, (1997) [PDF]
  • M.E. Raikh, L.I. Glasman, and L.E. Zhukov
    A Reply to the Comment by Yi Wan, Gerardo Ortiz, and Philip Phillips in Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3979 (1997).
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 3980 (1997). [PDF]


  • M.E. Raikh, L.I. Glasman, and L.E. Zhukov
    Two-electron States in a Disordered 2D Island: Pairing Caused by the Coulomb Repulsion
    Phys.Rev.Lett, 77,1354 (1996) [PDF]
  • L.E. Zhukov, E.I.Rashba, and A.L. Efros.
    Localized Orthogonal Wave Functions for an Electron in Magnetic Field.
    March meeting of The American Physical Society (APS), March 1996.
  • M.E. Raikh, L.I. Glazman, and L.E. Zhukov.
    Two-Electron Tunneling into a Disordered Quantum Dot.
    (Two-electron States in a Disordered 2D Island: Pairing Caused by the Coulomb Repulsion)
    March Meeting of The American Physical Society (APS), March 1996.


  • Daniel C. Mattis and Leonid Zhukov
    Dimerization of Two Dimensional Metallic Lattices
    Unpublished, Department of Physics , University of Utah, (1995) [PDF]


  • L. E. Zhukov.
    Magnetic polaron excitation spectrum in High Temperature Superconductors.
    MS Thesis, Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute, 1993. Advisors: L.A. Maksimov, A.F.
  • A.F. Barabanov, L.A. Maksimov and L.E. Zhukov
    Hole spectrum of adjacent CuO planes in the two-band model and
    the non-monotonic Tc dependence on the external parameters
    Physica C, 212,375 (1993) [PDF]
  • A.F. Barabanov, L.A. Maksimov and L.E. Zhukov
    On the peculiarities of the Magnetic Polaron hole spectrum in high-Tc superconductors
    Physics Letters A, 181,325 (1993) [PDF]